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  • Kaye Robinson

A Full Schedule for February

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

The surgery healing is going slow, very slow. I have many appointments this month, so this healing game must end soon.

The final count for my February appointments totaled 20.

Everything from the Pulmonologist to the Cardiologist, Urologist, blood tests, consultations, follow up visits and everything under the sun.

Several of the appointments needed to be rescheduled because nobody wanted to deal with the tubes hanging out of me.

I've also been noticing that whenever a doctor hears "Oncologist", they immediately step aside to give my Oncologist front of line privileges, well La-di-dah isn't that special?. Even my primary care doctor has taken a few steps back and given full rein to the Oncologist.

I met with my Oncologist to discuss the next step in my treatment. I knew this was coming, we need to schedule Chemo treatments.

I also met with the Cancer Radiologist. I knew this was coming, too. I'll have many radiation treatments after the Chemo sessions are over.

I have an excellent and very aggressive Oncology team. Everybody has been so attentive and kind. They are all so supportive even when I'm in an uncooperative mood.

Even with the high marks I'm giving everyone involved, this is still going to be a long and bumpy road, I'm already reaching the point where I'm just about over all of this.

To break up the stress, John's sister and brother-in-law came to visit from New York. I like them, they're very easy to get along with.

John's sister is very impressed with how I'm handling everything. She says I'm one Bad Ass Chick. Over the past few months, I've heard that from others so many times I've lost count. One of my doctors said he wonders what I've seen in my life that makes me so calm and nonchalant about dealing with my cancer situation.

Sorry Doc, but that's a loaded question with no end to the answers.

We told John's sister and brother-in-law that they could sleep in the master bedroom on the Cal. King bed, with one catch...Otis comes with it. I didn't explain why that was a catch, they'll figure it out.

Otis, even at 100 pounds still thinks he's a puppy not knowing his size when he wants to be a lap dog.

Sleeping with Otis is a trial on it's own. He always sleeps in the middle of the bed with all of the blankets and pillows wadded up under him. He makes himself even more annoying with his jimmy legs, snoring and farting all night long.

John's sister had recently gone through some major surgery, so she wandered around wearing a hernia belt to keep her insides where they belong.

John recently had surgery on his knee and I've still got drains swinging around me.

John's brother-in-law was the only healthy one here, so he was pretty much taking care of the rest of us. That is, until he stepped off of the trail feeding the goats and he sprained his ankle.

I'm telling you, we were a real sorry looking bunch around here.

I applied for and received a temporary Handicapped Placard. It seems as though every time I go to an appointment, the parking structures have moved further away from the buildings. By the time I get to my appointment, I'm so tired and out of breath all I want to do is lay down and take a nap.

I already have a nearly packed schedule for March. Seems like every time I go to one appointment, 3 or 4 new appointments get scheduled.

This is getting real old, real fast.

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